
Micro Tri Gloss: How Do you Use a Byk Gloss Meter?

You’ve likely seen gloss meters at paint stores and with industrial equipment sellers — angular devices with a thick needle-like probe sunk into a thick plastic block. When you press the probe against any surface, the meter gives out reading in degrees of gloss, from 0 to 90 or more. For example, if someone said that something needed 20-degree gloss to match the factory coating, they might mean 20 degrees of gloss measured by a micro tri gloss meter .  Here is something you need to know about gloss meters, though: they are often used improperly, giving the wrong results. And not knowing that can cost you thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs.     The problem is that most gloss meters were not designed to be anything more than a simple scale for measuring total thickness on surfaces. To get the most accurate results for measuring paint, you need a special meter designed specifically to measure gloss on paint.  That’s what Byk has done with their incredible Micro...

How to Choose a Quality Portable Rockwell Hardness Tester

Many people purchase a portable Rockwell hardness tester so they can test the hardness of their metal. Portable Rockwell hardness testers are needed for many different purposes, not just by jewelers and goldsmiths. They are also used in industries such as automotive, construction, aerospace, transportation, among many others. All that said, figuring out which Rockwell hardness tester is best for you can be tough. That's why we put together this post with tips on how to choose a quality portable Rockwell hardness tester. Which portable Rockwell hardness tester is best for you really depends on what your needs are. For most people, a portable Rockwell hardness tester with a simple, intuitive design will suit their needs perfectly. For example: if you want an easy-to-use and easy-to-carry portable hardness tester with all the bells and whistles, check out our product catalog. Here is a list of what you need to look out for when buying a portable Rockwell hardness tester: 1. The accur...

A Beginner’s Guide To Buying a Paint Thickness Gauge

A paint thickness gauge or paint meter is used to determine the coating thickness of a particular coating. This tool can be used on any surface, including metal, concrete, and wood. It's important to have a quality paint thickness gauge because an improper reading can lead to costly mistakes. If you're reading this guide for the first time, it may seem complicated at first glance! But no need to worry - with this beginner's guide you'll soon discover that buying a paint thickness gauge really isn't as hard as it seems!   A coating paint thickness gauge is an instrument used to measure the thickness of a layer of coating or paint on a surface. It is important to make sure that the applied coatings are not too thick, as too much weight can compromise structural integrity and cause blistering. The first thing you’ll want to do is purchase an actual paint gauge, which might also be referred to as a "paint meter" or "paint thickness gauge." You can...

Coating Thickness Gauge - Why You Need Them and How Measuring Methods Work

  The coating thickness gauge is a device used to measure the thickness of coatings on metal surfaces. These gauges are frequently used by automobile parts manufacturers and metal fabrication shops that manufacture products for various industries. A coating thickness gauge is a product commonly found in machine shops, where it is often utilized in conjunction with the tape measure to determine the proper dimensions of a piece of material before applying it with filler paste or epoxy.     With its help, individuals can accurately assess how much material they need to apply in order to achieve their desired results while working on different surfaces including metal, wood, vinyl, and other waterproof materials. Although there are a variety of coating thickness gauges available on the market today, they share one common goal: to determine the thickness of coatings applied onto different types of surfaces. However, these devices vary in what they measure and how they go ab...

Advantages of Portable Hardness Testers

Hardness testers are devices that are used primarily for testing the hardness of workpieces by applying rapid shock loading. These instruments are designed to measure the force required to penetrate a material, either with a calibrated steel probe or a diamond tip. Hardness testers are used to determine the hardness of steel, aluminum, brass, and other materials. Hardness testers have taken on a variety of forms over the decades since their invention. Most manufacturers now produce a wide variety of models to suit various applications and needs of users. In general, hardness testers are classified as either impact testers or penetration testers. Impact testers use an impact hammer to generate shock loads while penetration testers must penetrate a workpiece in order for the resulting force to be measured. Both types serve identical functions and have the same basic design components. Portable Rockwell hardness tester:   Portable Rockwell hardness tester   is the commonly used h...

Digital Rockwell Hardness Testing System: Everything You Need to Know

Before you can choose between the various digital Rockwell hardness testing systems, understanding what they are and what they do is essential. In this article we'll cover everything you need to know about digital Rockwell hardness testing systems, including how a Digi-test differs from a conventional test, and why some brands are better than others. This post is a must-read for anyone looking to buy a new rockwell hardness tester! What is the Rockwell Hardness Testing System? First, let's discuss what hardness is. At its most basic, hardness refers to how easily a material scratches and wears away because of contact with another material. In metals, a  digital Rockwell hardness testing system  can be used to determine how ductile a metal is, which determines the amount of force that needs to be applied for it to break. It can also be used to determine how tough or brittle a metal is and how well it resists compression and tension (the two main types of stress that can be appl...

Digital Micro Vickers Hardness Testing System: Everything You Need to Know

Digital micro Vickers hardness testing system is a common way of quantifying the hardness of materials in engineering and manufacturing. This is accomplished by using a sharp object such as a diamond point or needle to scratch the surface of the material being tested in order to determine how much force is required for scratching it. In recent years there have been advancements in technology that make this process faster and more accurate while maintaining high precision for hardness measurements. Digital micro Vickers hardness testing system - based equipment generally falls under two categories: a contact type, which touches the test material, and a non-contact type that does not touch the sample. The noncontact microhardness testers are generally more accurate. Contact instruments require the user to apply just enough force to make contact with the surface of the object being tested. With non-contact instruments, it is possible to press harder on an object that has a lower hardness ...